Medical Marijuana Certification
Amendment 2, “Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions,” was enshrined into the Florida Constitution on November 8, 2016 with 71% of Floridians voting in favor of the initiative. However, not all that inquire about Medical Marijuana will qualify and not all that qualify will benefit from medical marijuana. The process and requirements for obtaining a Florida Medical Marijuana Card is outlined below.
Patient Requirements and Process
- Be a permanent or seasonal Florida resident
- Be seen and diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition by Dr. Ian Kowalski
- Be entered into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry by Pain Plus and given an patient ID number
- Obtain a Medical Marijuana Use Registry Identification Card after registering online with the state of Florida
- Obtain your Medical Marijuana from a state approved Medical Marijuana Treatment Center
Qualifying Conditions
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does insurance cover medical marijuana?
No. We are unaware of any insurance company covering this medical treatment.
can patients younger than 18 years old receive medical marijuana?
Yes. However, Pain Plus only sees patients 18 years of age or older.
If I have a medical marijuana card do I have to buy the marijuana from a Medical Marijuana treatment center?
Yes. You must purchase only from the Medical Marijuana Treatment Center and carry your Marijuana ID card with you.
Where can I use medical marijuana?
Qualified patients can use medical marijuana at home or on private property. Public use is illegal, except for low-THC cannabis.
can I travel with my medical marijuana?
Although medical marijuana is available in Florida, it remains federally illegal. Because of this, you can’t take it in or out of the state.
if I get medical marijuana can my employer still drug test me or terminate me for coming up positive?
While Medical Marijuana is a medical treatment many employer contracts/arrangements prohibit the use of marijuana or other medications that impair you and could terminate your position if you test positive for marijuana. If you have concern about Medical Marijuana and your job/career seek legal guidance before being evaluated for Medical Marijuana.